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Back at It Again at the Barnyard

Practically the entire series is one long series of funny moments, sight gags and Memetic Mutations, especially when compared to the original movie note Which was comparably darker, edgier and more nightmarish. To name some of the show's more specific examples:

  • At the beginning of the very first episode, the animals get the farmer distracted by creating a fake commercial for Turnip Con (Pig's not exactly happy when he finds out it's not real). At the end, a Freeze-Frame Bonus shows the farmer is wearing a bunch of turnip pins.
  • Abby's Talkative Loon Uncle. It has to be seen to be believed.
  • The ending of "A Barn Day's Night", a parody of The Beatles complete with an argument almost destroying the band. When they resolve, they perform better than ever before. Then broke up twenty minutes later after arguing over where to have dinner.
  • This

    Abby: Otis, no, it's just a hat!
    Otis: But it's fuzzy!

  • I Make-a the Ice-a Cube!
  • When the animals have to promptly pose as non-sentient, they each give their species calls:

    Freddy: Ferret, ferret!

  • Otis is sometimes shown to produce milk, despite being a male.
  • Bionic Janitor! Bionic Janitor!
  • All of "Buyers Beware":
    • Freddy pretends to be a mutating antelope, having Peck sprout out of his costume pretending to be a second head as Freddy fires Eye Beams, which he explains were caused by him drinking radioactive waste. Pig tries to debunk the idea of radiation-induced superpowers by drinking it himself and ends up turning into The Incredible Hulk, complete with the US Army attacking him. The narrator then drinks it and shrinks.

      Hulk!Pig: Why Army always hound Pig? Pig smash! Pig smash you all!

    • "You see, the barn has a teeny, tiny PORTAL TO THE UNDERWORLD!"
    • After realizing that "Buyer" is actually the Farmer's family name, the animals begin recalling all instances of the Farmer referring to himself as "Farmer Buyer"...including a police standoff.
  • In "Home Sweet Hole", Pip moves in with Freddy and Peck after his hole is destroyed. When it seems like a good place to live, the two suddenly start arguing Like an Old Married Couple in Italian.
  • From "Fowl Play":

    Gopher: Wait, if you're the good cop and he's the bad cop, then who's he? *points at pig*
    Pig: I'm the funny cop. Pull my finger!

  • In "The Barnyard Games", Peck tries to convince Freddie that he's not accident prone by safely jumping over Freddie's hat he threw on the ground. He gets struck by a meteor.
    • This happens again in the first round, after being crushed by two hay bales.
  • While trying to prank Bessie, Otis puts Freddie and Peck in charge of pulling a rope, but every time he says "afternoon," they pull the rope too soon and dump it on top of Otis three times, the last time because "he was thinking it."

    Freddie: I like pulling the rope, it makes rocks fall!

  • In "Hypno-A-Go-Go," the Viewer Mail.
    • The second part is especially funny because it happens just as a hypnotized Otis is about to throw what looks like the Farmer into the butter maker.
    • All of the antics the hypnotized victims get up to. Special mention goes to Mrs. Beady.
    • Even better, Mr. Beady's reaction implies that this has happened before.
  • Freddy attempts to read Otis' letter saying he's leaving the barnyard, but of course can't read so it comes out as "Donkey oil pine nut moose, confetti yippity-doo" and so forth.
  • In "The Farmer Takes a Woman", the animals go on a dating site to find the farmer a date and they all take part in typing a fake description of him. The result...

    Otis: Herfnarshsnerfneurs7#glarb. Man I wish we had fingers!

    • So Pip types a better description: "Wealthy, agricultural mogul with body of a Teutonic god wants to share his heart with you", and the animals photoshop his face on a (live-action) muscleman's body for a "recent photo". And a bit later...
    • And a while later, he's still waiting.
  • In "Abby and Veronica", Otis, Pig, Pip, Freddy, and Peck catcalling Veronica and later, Abby. Otis's line is especially funny: "A lady!"
  • From the episode "Sun Cow", Otis and a blind elder cow must compete in a round of blindfolded combat. Cue them dancing around waving their sticks like idiots and hitting random things like trees and other people.
  • One of the alien invaders from the Aliens TV special is a Captain Kirk expy.
  • "Ask Dr. Pig" from the episode with the duck, Crebs. He [Crebs] even interrupts the middle of the segment and attacks Pig!
  • When asked about what qualities they'd like to see in a plush toy, Abby, Freddy, and Pig respond respectively with "extra huggability", "propellers" and "antibiotics".
  • When the barn animals think the farmer has decided to eat them, Otis and the gang run off to hide somewhere. While their hiding spot looks perfect, Otis ends up fearing that the rest of the barn won't be safe, so he tries to motivate everyone else to leave and save them. When that fails, he does this:
    • Just the whole Rousing Speech right before was funny as well:
  • In "Beady and the Beasts", we have Otis dressing up like Mrs. Beady's mother to help her win her husband back after his own beloved smother moves in.

    Mrs. Beady: And I've brought a guest: MY mother!
    (Otis walks in dressed up like Mrs. Beady's mother)
    Mr. Beady: Yup. This is gonna get ugly...
    Mr. Beady's Mother: YOU! I haven't seen you since you poisoned us last Thanksgiving! Turkey fondue? More like turkey fonDON'T!
    Otis: It's a pleasure to see you too, dear! I had no idea that zombies could come out in the daylight!

  • The beginning of "Dream Birthday."

    (Freddy is in a mailbox, with Otis, Pig and Pip nearby.)
    Otis: Okay, Freddy, you ready in there?
    Freddy: Ready for what?
    Otis: *sigh* We're pranking a mailman! When he opens the mailbox, you fling the paint balloons at him.
    Freddy: Like this?
    (Freddy throws a paint balloon at Otis.)
    Freddy: I thought you gave the code word.
    Otis: What?! There's not a code word!
    Pig: Let's make the code word papaya!
    (Otis gets a paint balloon thrown at him again.)
    Otis: The code word is not papaya!
    (Otis gets a paint balloon thrown at him again.)
    Otis: *sigh* Let's go over this again.
    (Freddy throws another paint balloon at Otis.)
    Freddy: Did someone say papaya?
    (Freddy throws another paint balloon at Otis.)
    Pip: Dude, no-one said papaya!
    (Otis gets a paint balloon thrown at him again.)
    (Otis gets a paint balloon thrown at him again.)
    Pig: Y'know, I'm not crazy about papaya.
    (Freddy throws another paint balloon at Otis.)
    Pig: Let's make the code word rutabaga!
    (Freddy throws another paint balloon at Otis.)
    Pip: Or how about avocado?
    (Freddy throws another paint balloon at Otis.)
    Freddy: I still like papaya. Ooh! I said it!
    (Otis gets a paint balloon thrown at him again.)
    Pip: Otis, the Farmer's coming!
    Otis: WHAT?! Abort plan! Repeat; abort plan!
    (Otis gets a paint balloon thrown at him one last time.)
    Freddy: That's all of 'em!

  • Pretty much everything said by the titular "Barn Buddy", thanks to voice work by Gilbert Gottfried.

    Barn Buddy: Violent video games are dangerous. It's for your own good. Those things will give you agita!
    Peck: What!?
    Barn Buddy: Agita.
    * beat*
    Peck: What!?
    Barn Buddy: Agita. Sit back and watch this clip of adorable kittens.
    Peck: Well, they are pretty adorable.
    Barn Buddy: Agita.

    • Then there's this:
  • Professor Exposition! Explainer of things!
  • Pig's various intermissions.
  • This Brutal Honesty line from "Chez Pig":

    Pip: Whew, that is the ugliest thing I've ever pinned all my hopes and dreams on.

    • Also, Duke's working conditions:

      Duke: This might be a little easier if I wasn't blindfolded.
      Pig: I told you, I can't reveal Granny's secret ingredient.
      Duke places hands in pot
      Duke: This is boiling water isn't it?

  • When the Otis find a love letter in his stall (one made by Pig for flakey tarts that just landed in there), the crew guess who could have sent it (with a thought bubble showing each character):

    Otis: Who is it? Is it Hannah? Oh, that new she-goat?
    Pip: Oh come on, it's someone we know really well.
    Otis: BESSY!?
    Peck: Everett
    Freddy: Give us the species!
    Pip (annoyed): It's someone we see every day
    Otis: MRS. BEADY!?
    Peck: Mr. Beady!
    Freddy: Wonder Lady!! (The thought bubble shows an image of Mr. Beady dressed as Wonder Woman)
    Pip: NO! IT'S ABBY!

    • Immediately afterwards, Otis is scared to ask her in case they are wrong, saying it would be the worst thing ever.

      Freddy: Well, maybe not the worst thing.
      Imagine Spot of Freddy covered in scorpions
      Freddy: Ahhh! Mad Scorpions! Get them off me! I'm not kidding! This is very very uncomfortable!
      A meteor falls on him as the Imagine Spot ends
      Peck: That would be worse.
      A meteor lands on Peck

    • In his quest to find out if Abby wrote him a love letter, Otis hides under a table that she and Bessy eat at for lunch every day—Abby and Bessy quickly discover him and, assuming that Otis must be trying to prank them, proceed to dump things (from salt to clam chowder) on him. They even end up using a flamethrower on Otis at one point.
  • Quite a bit in "Snotty and Snottier".
    • Otis and friends hide in the barn to escape Bernard (Snotty Boy's cousin who's even worse than he is), until it's revealed that he has explosives somehow.
    • And when he leaves...

      Pig: Is he gone?
      Otis: Yep. I'm not even sure how he did this.
      [Shows the two animals' heads have been swapped]

    • And later there's this gem when the animals wait for Bernard so they can get Mrs. Beady to send him packing:

      Otis: Figure I've got 5 minutes before he gets here.
      [Bernard appears]
      Pig: Uh, he's here.
      Otis: Milk me!

    • And how does Otis get Mrs. Beady? By appearing on her doorstep and telling her...

      Otis: I am a talking cow!
      Mrs. Beady: You!
      Otis: Here you can chase me on the scooter.
      [Otis runs off while Mrs. Beady chases him]

  • In "Paging Dr. Filly", there's a point where the fake doctor points out Otis and Abby's crushes on each other, which they vehemently deny.
  • "It's an Udderful Life":
    • One of the people Otis and the gang deliver presents to is the Farmer, who gets really excited upon meeting "Santa." Freddy ends up having to knock him out so he and the others can stay on schedule for delivering presents.
    • Snotty Boy (the last person Otis and the gang deliver to) is apparently so naughty that instead of receiving the traditional "gift" coal, he gets owl poop. When Otis and the others question where they're going to something like owl poop, Freddy immediately comes up to with Snotty Boy's "gift" ready-to-deliver. When the others shoot him questioning/grossed-out looks, Freddy claims, "What? I know a guy!"
      • Just as they arrive at Snotty Boy's house, Pip and Freddy are ready to shoot laser rockets at his house, but Otis stops them just in time.
    • After accidentally incapacitating Santa Claus, the word that Blitzen uses to describe of Otis 'killing' Christmas is "kerfuftenzeiger" ("That means broken," according to Blitzen). Whenever someone says "kerfuftenzeiger," Blitzen always jumps in (or yells offscreen) that, "It means broken!" And if someone has trouble pronouncing it (or says a totally different word), Blitzen will correct them.

Alert! Alert! You, the reader have been identified as an intruder! You will now be terminated! AAAAAAAAAAGITA!

At least you didn't say papaya!
